[word problems][section 14]

(1.)  When $102 is added to the amount in Sam's checking

      account, the total is 461.70.  How much is in Sam's


      s + 102 = 461.70            here is the problem

         -102  -102          subtract 102 from each side
     s       =  359.70        subtract

result:  $359.70

(2.)  Thirty - nine km more than the distance travelled by the

      Brown family is 721 km.   How far did they travel?

      d + 39 = 721             here is the problem

         -39  - 39    subtract 39 from each side
      d      = 682        subtract

result:  d = 682 km

(3.)  Last year's interest increased by $41.50 is $72.80 .

      Find the amount of last year's interest.

     i + 41.50 = 72.80             here is the problem

        -41.50  -41.50      subtract 41.50 from each side
     i         = 31.30         subtract

result:   $31.30

(4.)   Seven and one - half time the number of voters in the

       election is 90,000.  How many persons voted?

     7.5p = 90,000               here is the problem
    _____  ________
     7.5    7.5             divide each side by 7.5

      p = 12,000          divide and cancel

result:  12,000 people

(5.)  Twice the cost of a pair of skis decreased by $60 is

      $225 .   Find the cost of the skis.

      2s - 60 = 225             here is the problem

         + 60  + 60         add 60 to each side
      2s      = 285            add
    ____       _____
       2        2            divide each side by 2

       s = 142.5           divide and cancel

result:  $142.50

(6.)   Four times the perimeter of the parking lot less 16

       is 2000 yards.  What is the perimeter of the lot?

       4p - 16 = 2000          here is the problem

            + 16  +16     add 16 to each side
        4p       = 2016          add
       ___         _____
         4          4            divide each side by 4

         p = 504              divide and cancel

result:  504 yd

(7.)  The amount of the Brown family's electric bill

       divided by 375 kilowatt-hours is  $0.22 .  Find the

        amount of the bill.

       e/375 = 0.22            here is the problem

       (375)(e/375) = (375)(0.22)   multiply each side by 375

            e = 82.50             cancel and multiply

result:  $82.50

(8.)  Sixteen less than seven times the number of sandwiches

      is 264.   How many sandwiches are there?

      7s - 16 = 264                here is the problem

           + 16  +16        add 16 to each side
       7s      = 280        add
       ___      _____
       7         7        divide each side by 7

       s = 40       divide and cancel

result:  s = 40

(9.)  Three times the number of words Sam types per minute

      increased by 14 is 194.   How many words does Sam type

       per minute?

        3w + 14 = 194                 here is the problem

             -14  -14           subtract 14 from each side
        3w      = 180         subtract
        ___       ____
        3          3        divide each side by 3

        w = 60                 divide

result:  60 words per minute

(10.)  The sum of three times a number and 33 is 51.  Find

       the number.

          3n + 33 = 51                   here is the problem

               -33  -33       subtract 33 from each side
          3n      =  18        subtract
          __         __
          3           3         divide each side by 3

             n = 6                 divide and cancel

result:  n = 6