[word problems part 3][section 28]

(1.)  The sum of two numbers is 52.   The difference of the

      same two numbers is 20.  Find the numbers.

      x + y = 52

      x - y = 20                here is the problem
      2x   =   72            add equations
      ___      ___
       2        2        divide each side by 2

          x = 36           divide and cancel

        36 + y = 52         replace x with 36
        -36     -36         subtract 36 from each side
              y = 16           subtract

result:  x = 36 and y = 16

(2.)  One number is 5 more than a second number.   The sum of

      the numbers is 115.    What are the numbers?

       y = x + 5

        x + y = 115                  here is the problem

       -x      -x         subtract x from each side
           y = -x + 115

           y = x + 5          put this here

         2y =     120         add equations
         __       ____
         2         2        divide each side by 2

            y = 60             divide and cancel

            60 = x + 5            replace y with  60

            -5     -5     subtract 5 from each side
             55 = x           subtract

result:  x = 55 and y = 60

(3.)   One number is 3 times a second number.   The larger

       number decreased by the smaller is 18.   Find the


         y = 3x

          y - x = 18                      here is the problem

             +x   +x       add x to each side
           y   =  x + 18           add

           3y  = 3x + 54       multiply thru by 3

           -y = -3x           multiply equation 1 thru by -1
            2y =     54           subtract equations
           ___       ___
             2        2      divide each side by 2

              y = 27            divide and cancel

               27 = 3x          replace y with 27
              ____  ___
               3    3            divide each side by 3

               9 = x            divide and cancel

result:  x = 9 and y = 27

(4.)   The sum of two numbers is 21.   One number is 3 less

       than the other.  Find the numbers.

        x + y = 21

            x = y - 3            here is the problem

           -y  -y          subtract y from each side
         x - y =   -3        subtract

         x + y =  21           put this here
        2x    =   18     add equations
        ___      ____
         2         2       divide each side by 2

           x = 9          divide and cancel

        9 + y = 21         replace x with 9

       -9       -9          subtract 9 from each side

            y = 12            subtract

result:  x = 9 and y = 12

(5.)   The difference between two numbers is 4.   Three times

        the larger is 2 more than five times the smaller.  Find

        the numbers.

          x - y = 4

            3x = 5y + 2           here is the problem

          -5y   -5y      subtract 5y from each side
      3x - 5y =     2       subtract

     -3x + 5y = -2          multiply thru by -1

      5x - 5y = 20        multiply equation 1 thru by 5
      2x     = 18        add equations
      ___      ___
      2         2     divide each side by 2

          x = 9          divide and cancel

       9 - y = 4          replace x with 9

       -9 + y = -4         multiply thru by -1

     +  9    +   9        add 9 to each side
            y = 5        add

result:  x = 9 and y = 5

(6.)   The sum of two numbers is 20.   Twice the larger number

      is three times the smaller number.  Find the numbers.

         x + y = 20

            2y = 3x                 here is the problem

          -3x   -3x      subtract 3x from each side
       -3x + 2y = 0        subtract

        3x + 3y = 60      multiply equation 1 thru by 3
             5y = 60      add equations
            ____  ___
              5     5          divide each side by 5

               y = 12          divide and cancel

           x + 12 = 20          replace y with 12

              -12  -12       subtract 12 from each side
             x    =   8       subtract

result:  x = 8 and y = 12

(7.)   The width of a rectangle is 6 inches less than the

       length.   The perimeter is 72 inches.  Find the length
        and the width.

         2L + 2w = 72

              w = L - 6             here is the problem

         -L      -L         subtract L from each side
         -L + w =    -6     subtract

        -2L + 2w = -12       multiply thru by 2

         2L + 2w = 72    put this here
              4w = 60         add equations
              ___ ____
              4     4       divide each side by 4

              w = 15           divide and cancel

         15 = L - 6            replace w with 12

  +       6    +  6        add 6 to each side
           21 = L           add

result:  w = 15 and L = 21

(8.)  The length of a rectangle is 4 feet more than the

      width.   The perimeter is 40 feet.   Find the length

      and the width.

      2L + 2w = 40

       L    = w + 4                 here is the problem

         -w  -w          subtract w from each side
     L - w =     4        subtract

     2L - 2w = 8         multiply thru by 2

     2L + 2w = 40          put this here
     4L    =  48           add equations
     ___     ____
     4        4         divide each side by 4

        L = 12                divide and cancel

       12 = w + 4            replace L with 12

      -4      -4       subtract 4 from each side
       8 = w          subtract

result:  w = 8 and L = 12

(9.)   Two angles are supplementary.  The measure of one angle

       is 30o more than twice the other.  What is the measure

       of each angle?

      A + B = 180

          B = 2A + 30               here is the problem

    -2A      -2A            subtract 2A from each side
    -2A + B        = 30       subtract

     2A + 2B = 360          multiply equation 1 thru by 2
          3B =   390             add equations
          ___    ____
            3       3        divide each side by 3

            B = 130           divide and cancel

       A + 130 = 180            replace B with 130

            -130 -130        subtract 130 from each side
        A         = 50      subtract

result:  A = 50 and B = 130

(10.)   Two angles are complementary.   The measure of one angle

        is twice the measure of the other angle.   What is the

         measure of each angle?

       A + B = 90

           B = 2A                     here is the problem
       -2A    -2A            subtract 2A from each side
       -2A + B = 0            subtract

        2A + 2B = 180        multiply equation 1 thru by 2
             3B = 180           add equations
             ___  ____
               3   3           divide each side by 3

                B = 60           divide and cancel

      60 = 2A                replace B with 60
     ___  ____
       2    2          divide each side by 2

         30 = A           divide and cancel

result:  A = 30 and B = 60